Office Structure The Office is headed by a Director and has two sections: the Space Applications Section, which organizes and carries out the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, and the Committee, Policy and Legal Affairs Section, which provides substantive secretariat services to the Committee, its two subcommittees and its working groups.
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اقرأ أكثرAbout the company. Oman Drydock Company (ODC), a member of the ASYAD Group, is based at the Port of Duqm and provides ship maintenance and conversion facilities for all types of vessels.
اقرأ أكثرUnder the Guise of Legality: Israel's Declarations of State Land in the West Bank the Custodian has rarely allocated state land for use of Palestinians.11 Therefore, the policy was applied in a way that constitutes unlawful racial discrimination.12 These defects all relate to the administrative features of the declaration policy: the
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